Nicole Daacke Photography

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Springtime Ironstone Ranch Wedding | Lancaster, PA Wedding & Elopement Photographer

Gretchen and Tanner’s wedding at Ironstone Ranch in the springtime | Lancaster, PA Wedding & Elopement Photographer

Man, where to even begin with this wedding. Ironstone Ranch is tucked away just a little outside of Lancaster, PA in Elizabethtown and is where Gretchen and Tanner decided to have their springtime wedding this past May. 


So Gretchen and Tanner. I met these two through Millersville (shoutout to the best school filling my life with the best people). Gretchen was an orientation leader when I was the Orientation Student Manager, and I think we bonded most when she broke her ankle on MOVE IN DAY of orientation and I had to take her to Urgent Care. Yep. Totally a bonding moment. 


Tanner + Gretchen met back in high school and have been dating since they were babies. Cutest. Thing. Ever. He was a year ahead of her in school and attended Millersville, and she followed suit the next fall. Tanner played baseball at Millersville which was a big part of both of their college careers, and Gretchen was an education major and is now the most perfect elementary ed teacher you could image. 


Best part? Tanner surprised Gretchen with a trip to Cancun a few summers ago, and proposed to her while livin it up in Mexico. I remember seeing the engagement post and honestly feeling so happy for them cause they’re two people you just knew were made for each other. 


WEDDING DAYYYY! I’m only half way through my wedding season, but MAN I’ve been lucky enough to have the BEST couples this year and some freakin fun weddings - and this day was exactly that. Everything flowed so nicely, no one was stressed (from my perspective 🙃) and the community that poured into Ironstone Ranch to support these two on their best was nothing short of incredible. 


My favorite part of the day was 1. When Gretchen pulled up to walk down the aisle and literally looked like a glowing goddess, and had the sweetest smile on her face, as Tanners tears ran (DONT MISS THOSE PHOTOS). And 2. Was when Gretchen iced Tanner not once, but TWICE during the reception. Yep, it was that kinda party!!


These guys are loved beyond measure and it was such a pleasure to be there and get to celebrate alongside them while creating memories for them. Stay tuned to these two cause they’re totally getting a puppy and it’s gonna be the BEST EVER. #teampuppy #getittogethertanner

Planning a wedding in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and like my style? Shoot me a message below and let's chat about your best day!