Nicole Daacke Photography

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24 Things You Didn't Know About Me!

In honor of turning 24 years old today, I thought it would be fun to share 24 random things you may or may not know about me, as well as reflect through the last 24 years...365 days and I'll be a quarter of century - WHUTTT!




1. I was born in Ahwatukee, Arizona in 1994 as the first born child, and was a week past due! Sorry mom!

2. I went to Millersville University which is a state school in Lancaster, PA. I absolutely LOVED my time there and although I wasn't sure I would as I paid my deposit to enroll, it ended up being the most perfect place for me.

3. I super want to go to Bali. It mightttt be at the top of my travel list right now. Bali brides where ya at?

4. I played DII college tennis! That was my favorite part of my college experience. My team became my family and they still are! I started playing in high school which was a shock to my mom because I hated tennis when I was little. 

5. My 16th great aunt was Queen Anne of England #ROYALTY!!

6. Sophie is my first dog, even though I begged for one my entire life (like, so hard). This is her the night I picked her up and it still makes my heart so happy. 


omg so cute. 

7. You know how people have baby fever? I currently have apartment fever real bad but can't decide where to live soooo yeah

8. I have a brother who is 6 years younger than me. He graduates high school next year and is going to be a pilot like my dad #hiflymeeverywhere

9. I would take every break I got in school to travel as much as I could, for as cheaply as I could.  This trip to Costa Rica was decided 8 hours before the flight took off...

10. I broke my collarbone playing dodgeball when training to be an orientation leader my sophomore year of college. It was the most awful pain EVERRRR. And now I have a 6 inch plate and 6 screws in there. Oops

11. I grew up spending time at Priest Lake, Idaho with my family and our best friends. They are some of my favorite memories as a kid and still one of my favorite places on earth!

12. I got really into photography my junior and senior year of high school and thought that's what I wanted to major in but didn't think I could make a career out of it so I switched #lookatmenow

13. I played Irish fiddle growing up! It was a huge part of my life and I MISS IT!

14. I had an email pen pal from the time I was around 10 years old who lived in England and we talked constantly, sometimes daily. Our birthdays are a month apart so for my 16th birthday my mom and I flew to London for a week and stayed with Lotte and her family and celebrated our birthdays! We still keep in touch!

15. I currently work part time at a non-profit I'm super passionate about called 2 Seconds Or Less! We help communities to build sustainable education gardens at schools in Zimbabwe, and organize trips for Lancaster students to visit Zimbabwe and go through a 6 month cultural leadership program. I'm finally making it to Zim next month!

16. I've been to 28 countries, and 4 (5 next month!) continents. It's my goal to hit 6 continents by 26! Who wants to get married in Australia???

17. Speaking of Australia, I have a birth mark shaped like the continent on my stomach (and a birth mark shaped like the number 7 on my leg!)

18.  I didn't know what I wanted to do after graduation so I decided to spend the summer in Charleston, SC teaching tennis with one of my best friends. I had always wanted to live at the beach for a summer, and the entire thing worked out way too smoothly to not do it! It was a blast.

19. I used to tell everyone my favorite color was yellow because it was my moms favorite color and I wanted to be like her #extraaaa. She's pretty cool though, you can't blame me. First day of Kindergarten down there!

20. I was hired as a flight attendant for American Airlines last summer (5% rate of acceptance!) but turned it down last minute to pursue photography more full time. Although it would've been cool because my parents met flying - dad is a pilot and mom was a flight attendant - and as I mentioned, my brother is becoming a pilot!

21. I'm seriously in love with the pacific northwest and want to live there one day!

22. My middle name is Lee and that was decided before my first name was, because it's the middle name of the women for generations back on both my mom and dad's sides.

23. I bite my nails and it drives my mother insane. 

24. I love that my birthday is May 18th! It was always right at the end of school and always felt like a celebration that kicked off summer. I personally think it's the best time of year for a birthday ;)